Article by Markus Kaufmann in the bvdm magazine NUTZEN.
18 September 2019

Markus Kaufmann, Managing Partner of Druckhaus Kaufmann, is featured in the new 3/2019 issue of NUTZEN magazine. NUTZEN is the magazine of the German association Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. (bvdm).
In the article, Markus Kaufmann talks about the challenges of filling training positions and the idea for JobXpedition, which took place for the second time this year at the printing house. For Kaufmann, JobXpedition is an investment in the future that will pay off for the company in the long term.
Issue 3/2019 of NUTZEN magazine will be delivered from 16/17 September 2019. You can find the complete article by Markus Kaufmann here as a PDF. Furthermore, all issues published so far can be downloaded free of charge from the magazine’s homepage.